Distinctive Solutions
The Washington Monument was deteriorating. The culprit appeared to be the harsh chemicals being applied to clean the edifice. The cleaning was required in order to eradicate, at least temporarily, the staining caused by a significant amount of excrement, otherwise known as pigeon poop. This cycle, in one form or another, had repeated itself in some shape or form since the Monument's completion over 130 years ago. Deeper probing presented a solution. Why was there such an inordinate population of pigeons? It seemed that the birds found spiders absolutely delectable. The arachnids, too, also thrived in the vicinity of the Monument. So, what attracted the spiders? Even smaller insects, gnats, found the habitat at the end of the National Mall to their liking as well. What then with the gnats? Well it seemed that especially at dusk, when the illuminating lights were flipped on, a gnat frenzy ensued thus initiating the predator fo...